Monday, October 31, 2016

Making Special Effects with Photoshop Filters

Using 2 pictures, experiment with a variety of Photoshop Filters. Post your pictures using 5 filters.

Label each photo with the filter you used.

here are some examples. You will need to have at least 10 images.

Zig Zag, Oil Paint

Wave, Solarize

Tiles, Trace Contour

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Making Selections in Photoshop - Create a Collage Using Multiple Images in 1 Picture

Today we will practice Making Selections in Photoshop. 

You will upload 1 picture containg at least 3 different elements plus a background.

Create a File that is 8x8 inches and 150 resolution.

Add the background and 3 selections to this picture. 

The final design must be creative and all of the elements should work together. Don't just drop random images into a picture.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

AP Photo Critique

Today you will choose another photo from AP Images to critique. 

1. Copy the Image (or use the Snipping tool) to upload the photo to your blog.

2. Add the link from the AP site to your blog.

3. Paste the description of the photo from the AP site to your blog.

4. Answer the following:

  • Who was the photographer?
  • What country and city was the photo taken in?
  • What event was photographed?
  • Describe the event that was photographed.
  • Why is the event newsworthy? Why is it important to us?

5. Write a Critique. Use the Critique Guide in the link above.

Post Your Light Painting

Post at least 3 light paintings, including the ones you to used create the photoshop collage photoshop.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Scholastic Magazine Reading and Worksheet

Read the Scholastic magazine about Photojournalism. 
Do the worksheet and post to your blog.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Mid-Term Pop Hands on Pop Quiz

Today you will show me your skills. 200 Points!!!

You will take 4 pictures.

Demonstrate the following. Write down ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture for each pic

1. Freeze Action in a photo with Bugs Eye Perspective

2. Show Motion Blur in a photo from Birds eye perspective

3. Show Shallow depth of Field in a picture uisng Rule of Thirds

4. Show Deep Depth of Field with a diagonal Perspective

Post your 4 pictures to your blog with ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture for each pic.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Photography Ethics Part 2

You are learning to use Photoshop in this class. this software allows you to completely change a photograph from its original version.

What is ethical when taking pictures and using Photoshop? How much can we alter a picture and still call it true, honest photography that represents the situation we took a picture of?

Here is a statement of Photography Ethics from a website. Read over it. You will refer to these policies in your answers.

1.Autonomy - In what way can I show respect for a person's right to decline or consent to photography? How do I handle informed consent?
    2.Non-Maleficence (Do No Harm) - Am I creating and using photos in a manner that will do no harm to persons appearing in photos?

      3.Beneficence (Do Good) - What is my intention or purpose for taking this photo? How can I use a photo to promote a good cause while ensuring that I do no harm to individuals in photos?

        4.Fidelity - Am I using photos in a context that fairly represents the real situation, subject identity, or physical location of the image? What steps am I taking to properly credit the photographer?

          5.Justice - Am I photographing people and communities with the same respect I would show to neighbors and strangers in my home country?

            Now look at this site. Find 3 examples that make an impression on you.


            In a brief paragraph for each picture., explain why the pictures are not 'Ethical". Use the Ethics website and the 5 Principles above to guide you.

            Dodging and Burning in Photoshop

            Today we will discuss the Burning and Dodging tools in photoshop.

            i will give a demonstration in class but there is a great tutorial here if you need to see it written out step by step. The tutorial covers everything i will show in class.

            After I show you how to use the tools you will post an example of your use of the tools. The instructions and examples are below:

            Post a before and after picture demonstrating your use of the Burn and dodge tools in Photoshop.

            The burn tool will darken areas of your image, and the Dodge tool will lighten areas of your image.

            In a brief paragraph explain the areas that you burned and dodged.

            Follow the example below:

            Original Photograph

            Dodged and Burned Photograph

            I dodged the highlights on the bananas and in the blurry chair in the backgound. I felt like the picture would be stronger if you could better see the details in the distance.
            I burned the details in the glass bowl as well as in the bananas because I felt that the bowl was too grayish and i wanted more contrast. Finally I burned the wall on the right of the bowl because it was hard to see where the bowl ended and the wall began.